I have a dual purpose motorcycle. currently its 99% street & 1% dirt riding.If i buy another strictly dirt bike, I'll go to the off road parks. For now, i'm discovering concrete hills and curves in the DFW area.Do you like steep hills? Easton road near Garland rd., White Rock trail from flag pole hill to walnut hill lane, Northwest highway where it crosses I-30 south towards Town east blvd.I'm planning to go to the Westmoreland road area near Mountain creek parkway.And i think Irving Texas may have some steep climbs.
Curvy roads- Caddo Mills Texas on FM 36 from town to highway 360.Tight long curves going around different properties. this was originally a dirt road created by farmers with horse & wagons./In Dallas, Walnut Hill lane has some hills and curves.
Oh, i did find some dirt riding,near the Dallas Power& Light at Lake Ray Hubbard. They're putting in a housing devolpment near some High Power transmission towers and i saw some dirt roads, but did not try them.I'm outta here-bye.