OK.... Now that I was almost through with this and my conputer locked up, I'll make this one short.
A friend of mine Joe, Is one that you must look out for. He's funny, dumb and not always the
smartest thing walking but good at heart. He was putting on a party and we are helping with cooking
three goats, one pig and two deer. We all dug a hole in the ground and haul fire wood Friday. He said
these deer were from last year but we had to dress them out before cutting them up and there warm
to boot. After eating somewere around 5:00 Saturday and after three 16 gallons kegs Joe pushed an
fence post (pipe) over with a truck. He then flew a hole in the bottom of the pipe with a torch and
would stuff newspaper down the pipe. He started putting an baseball bat in the pipe and used the
gass and oxygen from the torch for fuel. Once he though there was some fuel in the pipe he'd light
the torch and put it to the pipe. BOOOM!!!!! This bat would fly 200 feet or better. After see this
one time I thought I'd be better off at the house with the girls. The next day we went to see this
pipe post. It was three times the size at the bottom. This is the luckest guy I ever know.
